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🎥 This professor knows “Life in academia” – and shares his 10 best tips for postdocs 💡

Have you always wanted to know what the essentials for a successful postdoc career are? Then have a close look at the YouTube channel run by Matthias Rillig, professor of ecology at Freie Universität Berlin! On “Life in academia”, he covers all topics related to academic life, from writing and publishing to job interviews, funding and dealing with rejection.

This video offers his 10 most valuable tips for your postdoc life regarding:

🎬 Productivity

🎬 Connecting with people

🎬 Aligning skills with your future goals

🎬 Work-life balance

🎬 Online presence

🎬 Take the time to find your niche

🎬 Funding acquisition

🎬 Be open

🎬 Work on your weaknesses

🎬 Leadership

Take a look for yourself!

Planning a holiday in Germany? 🥾🏰⛴️ Be inspired by the personal recommendations of these Guardian readers!

From gothic church towers in Lübeck to the fairytale town of Marburg, from beautiful monasteries to breathtaking views over the Black Forest, from the Baltic Sea to the Alps: Germany has much to offer to all kinds of tourists!

In this Guardian article, readers who have travelled through Germany – sometimes way off the beaten track – tell us where they found their favourite scenery, architecture or cultural highlights. Whether you are planning a trip to the quiet countryside or to a bustling city, read what not to miss when you are enjoying your holiday in Germany.

We hope you have a wonderful "Urlaub"! ☀️

🎓 Got your PhD in your pocket and still unsure how and where to move on? Get started with your postdoc career on our website! 🚀

Structuring the postdoc phase can be challenging: it lays the foundation for your next career step – e.g. a junior research group leadership or a professorship –, but there are no fixed guidelines on what this phase looks like.

On the Research in Germany website, you will find a valuable overview for a postdoc career in Germany – from

🔀 different career options to
💼 job portals and
💸 funding programmes.

A list of different types of postdoc positions provides detailed information on employment type, application and salary.

Challenge accepted? Get started here! 💪

🌟 Exciting times in Lindau! 🌟

Next weekend marks the start of the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, happening from 30 June to 5 July 2024. A week full of physics awaits as more than 30 Nobel Laureates and around 600 young scientists from all over the world gather to share knowledge and inspire future breakthroughs! 🔬💡

The scientific programme is packed with fascinating discussions on three key themes:

🔹 Quantum physics and quantum technologies

🔹 Physics-based solutions to the energy challenge

🔹 Artificial intelligence in physics

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are a beacon of inspiration, showcasing groundbreaking research and fostering global networks. Since their foundation in 1951, they have developed into a unique international scientific forum. The annual meetings in Lindau in southern Germany provide an opportunity for exchange between different generations, cultures and disciplines.

🌟 Would you also like to experience a little Lindau spirit? No problem: a mediatheque holds extensive material to inspire you! Learn more about the Lindau Meetings and immerse yourself on their website.

A little lost as a newcomer to Germany? 🤔 🗺️

We are happy to give you a little orientation with this interactive guide from the Alumniportal Deutschland!

The infographic offers helpful insights for foreign students, professionals and new arrivals to find their way around Germany. From cultural characteristics to everyday practices – discover how you can settle in here and gain valuable experience.

Welcome to Germany! 👋

Learn German for free online with Deutsche Welle 🗣️

No time to attend a language class or just want to brush up on your German? Here’s a great option for you: German broadcaster Deutsche Welle offers mobile language courses which are free of charge. They allow you to learn German easily and at your own pace – you can even practice the language with the latest news or music – from level A1 to C1. 🗞️ 🎶

Whether you are a beginner or highly proficient, this is where you will find the right course for you. Take a look and get started right away! 💬

🌟 Exciting News!


Join us for the launch of our brand new "Meet Your Future You" - series! 🎓✨


📅 Date: 3rd July 2024

🕓 Time: 4 PM CEST

📍 Location: Online


Are you an international early career researcher with dreams of pursuing a PhD or planning a research stay in Germany? This event is just for you!


"Meet Your Future You" is an event series by "Research in Germany" designed to provide you with valuable insights into Germany as a prime research location and an incredible place to live. Our kick-off event will feature three distinguished researchers from Sri Lanka, India, and Spain who have either conducted part of their research in Germany or are currently working here. 🌍


What to expect:

✅ In-depth information about the German research landscape

✅ Insights into life in Germany

✅ Personal experiences and advice from our esteemed guest researchers

✅ Interactive Q&A session


Don't miss this opportunity to get first-hand advice and network with fellow researchers. This event is the first of many, and we can't wait to embark on this journey with you!


🚀Register now and secure your spot! (Link in bio)

Interested in coming to Germany for work? Make it in Germany – the German government’s portal for qualified professionals from around the world – has designed a self-check tool to help you find out whether you fulfil the requirements for the new Opportunity Card.

The Job Search Opportunity Card ("Chancenkarte") came into force on 1 June. It allows non-EU professionals to job search in Germany much more easily by enabling them to enter the country for a job search without proof of a permanent employment contract. Applicants with a degree that is fully recognised in Germany are automatically eligible for the card, otherwise it works with a points system.

You want to know more and find out whether you are eligible for an Opportunity Card? 📝 Fill out the quick self-check test on the Make it in Germany website!

Check your possibilities now! 💪 🚀

🎧 Well worth a listen: Research school podcast explores the PhD experience in Germany

🤔 Whether you are still undecided or already in the middle of your doctorate, this podcast by the Dahlem Research School (DRS) at Freie Universität Berlin is here to support you: from interviews with researchers about their PhD experience to expert advice on academic writing or tackling the German job market – the DRS Podcast covers a wide range of topics related to doing your PhD in Germany. While some episodes are DRS-specific, most are universally applicable.

For example, how about a few tips and ideas on how to manage academic writing, how to deal with common challenges when writing your thesis, and what to do if you get stuck? In this episode, listen to an insightful conversation with writing coach Dr Anselm Spindler. 💡

Dive in and find out how to navigate a doctorate in Germany! 👨‍🎓🇩🇪👩‍🎓

🏢🏫🏥 29,000 research institutions in one database: GERiT provides broad overview of the German research landscape.

Are you interested in researching or studying in Germany? GERiT – German Research Institutions – is the perfect website if you want to find out which institution is the best place for your research. 🗺️

The database can be filtered by subject area, institute or location and offers institutional profiles, job vacancies, doctoral regulations and more.

Find your future research host or partner in Germany! 🤝 🇩🇪 (Link in bio)

There are various organisations in Germany that fund research projects and individual researchers 💸


The largest organisations that award financial support to individuals and their research projects are

➡️the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG)

➡️the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

➡️and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation


In addition to these large funding organisations, many other public and private bodies provide financial support for science and research. Important donors include not only Germany’s federal and state governments, but also the European Union. A large number of charitable foundations have also set themselves the goal of supporting research and junior researchers.


When it comes to the support and funding of research projects, non-university research institutions and industry play a major role in Germany’s funding system. They especially support young researchers with job offers.


Learn more about funding organisations on our website! (Link in bio)

💸 When you come to Germany, you will of course want to feel financially secure.


Generally, people with a university education earn a living wage according to their academic qualifications and work experience.

At the same time, life in Germany is comparatively inexpensive and inflation low – while relief measures have been taken to mitigate the effects of higher inflation rates caused by crises.


👉 You can find information on salary and taxes in Germany in our "Plan your stay" section. (Link in bio)



We have also put together 11 German money-saving tips for you:


1. Use a bicycle

2. Get the Deutschland-Ticket

3. Buy groceries at the local market

4. Find clothes second-hand

5. Share your tools...

6. ...and your food

7. Visit flea markets

8. Repair your appliances

9. Enjoy the local lakes

10. Find free culture

11. Save energy

📝 Visa requirements for non-EU citizens


A visa will be required if you are not from the EU, a country of the European Economic Area or Switzerland and intend to work as a researcher in Germany. You will have to apply for the respective visa in your country of residence by visiting the relevant German diplomatic mission – an embassy or consulate – in person.


Depending on what you wish to do in Germany, special visa are available to you as a researcher:


➡️ a visa for studying

➡️ a visa for researchers and scientists or

➡️ an EU Blue Card, a special residence title for international academics.


Make sure to check in good time with the German diplomatic mission in your country of residence to find out which conditions apply to you and which requirements you will need to meet. You should also check if there are any documents that need to be translated into German before your visa application or if any of your qualifications need to be officially recognised.


You can find more information and useful links on our website. (Link in Bio)


After your visa is approved, once you have arrived in Germany you will have to apply for a residence permit, usually at the local foreigners’ office or immigration office (Ausländerbehörde or Landesamt für Einwanderung). Some countries, such as Australia, Israel, Japan and the USA, have agreements with Germany: their citizens do not need an entry visa and only have to obtain the required residence permits after arrival.

Your guide to cancer research in Germany 🗺️


Find a comprehensive overview over the German cancer research landscape on the Research in Germany website, e. g.:


🏨 the most important players in the field

👩🏼‍🎓👨🏾‍🎓 master, PhD and postdoc programmes

💸 funding options

🤝 contacts


Germany is one of the leading actors in the pursuit of researching, fighting and ultimately annihilating cancer. The Research in Germany website for international researchers dedicates an entire page to the topic of cancer research.


As more people get older, cancer rates are rising. According to the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), more than 450,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each year in Germany, and the disease is the country’s second most common cause of death. At the same time, considerable scientific advancements in the last decades have also led to more and more cancer patients surviving their illness.


So if you are planning to do cancer research in Germany and are looking for funding as well as the right people that can help you join the fight against cancer in Germany, visit the Research in Germany website and make sure to benefit from this guide! 💡

(Link in bio)


#PhD #Postdoc #Funding #CancerResearch #ResearchInGermany

🩺  How can the outbreak of a virus in space flight and aviation be quickly detected and tracked?


We met Bruno Pavletić, a virologist from Croatia who is pursuing his PhD at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He is trying to understand the stability and detectability of different types of viruses in space flight environment. His technologies could help to stop viruses spreading on space missions and airplanes.

🎬 Learn more about Bruno’s story!

(Link in bio)



🚀 Growing kohlrabi in space sounds like fiction – scientists like Jess Bunchek make it happen. Learn how space research into crop production can help to sustainably feed Earth’s population 🌱


For the 2021 wintering period, plant scientist Jess spent a year in Antarctica and worked in the EDEN ISS greenhouse. There, researchers are testing how vegetable cultivation can succeed on manned space missions to the moon and Mars and how food can be produced in climatically unfavourable areas in the future.


🎬 Learn more about Jess and her research!

(Link in bio)


#FromSpacetoLife #SpaceResearch #Agriculture #Horticulture

🐒 Meg investigates animal societies using space-based technologies 🚀

How does social complexity arise in animal societies? And how does the physical world shape the social connections of animals? Meg uses space-based technologies to find answers.


We have met Meg Crofoot, a leading behavioural ecologist and evolutionary anthropologist from the United States. In her research, she uses different kinds of space-based technologies to study the evolution of social complexity. Meg Crofoot is a Director at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and a Professor at the Universität Konstanz.


🎬 Learn more about Meg and her research on our website! (Link in Bio)



🤔 Choosing the right PhD path 🗺️ There is not just one route to a doctoral degree in Germany. Which suits you best will depend on various factors: such as your subject area, your research project, the university at which you want to do your PhD, and your individual circumstances. Essentially, however, a distinction can be made between two types of PhD:

➡️ the individual doctorate, which is very widespread in Germany,

➡️ and the structured programme, which is similar to the PhD system to be found in the Anglo-Saxon world.

Learn more about the two paths on our website! (Link in bio)

José fights cancer in microgravity 🥊

We met José Louis Cortes Sanchez, a medical doctor from Mexico pursuing his PhD at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. He is trying to understand how cancer cells change at the molecular level in simulated microgravity. This knowledge could help find new therapies for cancer patients.

🎬 Learn more about José’s story and your research opportunities in Germany (Link in bio)

📰 Introducing our monthly newsletter - in August with the spotlight on innovation 💡

We are happy to unveil our brand-new newsletter concept designed for you - the pioneers of innovation and the visionaries of tomorrow! 👩‍🔬

This newsletter marks an innovation in more ways than one. Not only have we fundamentally updated our newsletter design and content, but we have also chosen innovation as the first of our new monthly spotlight topics.

🔔 Click the link in our bio to join the "Research in Germany" newsletter community! 📥✨

📢 Spread the word:

Don't keep this exciting news to yourself! Share this post with your colleagues and fellow researchers, and let's build a strong community of innovators together. 🤝

👩‍🚀👨‍🚀 The last day of our virtual journey into space has begun:

Before we return to Earth, we have the opportunity to look through FLUMIAS, a high-resolution fluorescence microscope for live-cell imaging.

🔬This fascinating microscope provides a view inside cells of the human body and other living things with high temporal and spatial resolution.

Learn more about FLUMIAS, which has been developed by researchers from Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) 👉 [Link in Bio]

#FromSpaceToLife #Biomedicine


🛰️ On day four of our space adventure we get the opportunity to ask some questions:

How can astronauts grow their own fresh crops during space missions?


🌱At the German Aerospace Center, DLR EDEN ISS greenhouse in Antarctica, researchers are trying to find answers 👉 [Link in Bio]


#Space #Horticulture #FromSpacetoLife

👨‍🚀👩‍🚀 We arrive at our destination on day three of our space mission and visit the ISS to learn other exciting facts about how the view from space can help us on Earth. Researchers at Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft were testing on board of the #ISS and successfully demonstrated an innovative satellite technology to enable targeted irrigation and sustainable water use in agriculture. Learn out more about their story here 👉 [Link in Bio] #FromSpaceToLife #Satellite #Agriculture

🐳🦅🐂 Did you know there is an International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space (Icarus)?

On day two of our space-themed week, we enjoy the stunning view up here 🌎 Some of us already miss their four-legged friends at home and wonder what they are up to.

🛰️Last month, Icarus began testing an experimental tracking system in space—signaling that the pioneering program for monitoring wildlife from space is set to continue. The new Icarus receiver will fly on a very small satellite called a CubeSat to collect data from animals carrying lightweight sensors. Coordinated by Max Planck Society's institute for animal behavior, the international initiative Icarus uses space-based technologies to discover more about animals' life on Earth. Learn more about the project here 👉 [Link in Bio]

#FromSpaceToLife #AnimalBehavior #Biology #EarthObservation

🚀Attention space enthusiasts! Welcome to our space-themed week from 17 to 21 July 🌌

We're taking off 👨‍🚀👩‍🚀 Fasten your seatbelts and take a stunning virtual flight over the Jezero impact crater on Mars 👉 [Link in in bio]

🛰️The film was cre­at­ed by Freie Universität Berlin us­ing a mo­sa­ic of im­ages from sev­er­al in­di­vid­u­al shots. It was based on ob­ser­va­tions made us­ing German Aerospace Center (DLR)’s High Res­o­lu­tion Stereo Cam­era (HRSC) on board European Space Agency - ESA's Mars Ex­press mis­sion. #FromSpaceToLife