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Job portals

In this section you will find a list of job portals that are specialised in publishing academic and research-related job offers in Germany. features current opportunities at universities, higher education institutions, research institutes and companies conducting research. Note that the German version of the website ( publishes even more job vacancies.

Job offers

Alumniportal Deutschland

At the Alumniportal Deutschland you can find job offers from German and international companies and organisations looking for international experts “trained in Germany”.

Job offers

Arbeitsagentur – Job portal of the German Employment Agency

The job portal of the Arbeitsagentur includes a large database with job offers for all professions and working fields in Germany (only in German).

Job offers – Portal of the Federal Government provides access to services and online information offered by German public agencies and administrations. Under the heading “Stellenangebote” (“Job Vacancies”) you will find numerous job offers in federal, state and local government and from the authorities and institutions of the federal administration (only in German).

Job offers

DUZ Wissenschaftskarriere

Vacancies for researchers are published in major German daily and weekly newspapers as well as in research journals. The “Unabhängige Deutsche Universitätszeitung” offers a large online academic job market on its website.

Job offers

EURAXESS – Jobs in Germany

EURAXESS is a European-wide job exchange for researchers where potential employers such as universities, research institutes and companies can post their vacancies.

Job offers

EURES – The European job mobility portal

EURES is managed by the European Labour Authority and provides information, advice and job-matching services for the benefit of workers and employers.

Job offers

Jobted – Job vacancies at German Universities

Jobted is a website where you can search for job vacancies at German universities (only in German).

Job offers

Job portal of the German weekly “Die Zeit”

The “Zeit's” job database contains numerous openings in academia and industry, in the sciences and the humanities (only in German).

Job offers


myScience provides information about current vacancies at research centres, high-tech companies and universities for scientists, specialists and engineers in Germany. Please note that most job announcements are in German.

Job offers

Leibniz career portal

The Leibniz career portal posts announcements of all current openings at the various institutes of the Leibniz Association.

Job offers

Make it in Germany – The “Welcome to Germany” portal

“Make it in Germany” is the German Federal Government’s information portal for qualified professionals from around the world. It offers some options for finding a suitable job offer.

New Scientist Jobs

New Scientist Jobs maintains an extensive database of current job offers. Besides a search engine for vacancies, users can upload their CVs, set up email alerts and apply for scientific jobs online.

Job offers

PhDGermany – The platform for doctoral positions in Germany

PhDGermany publishes PhD positions in Germany that specifically target international applicants. It helps you find the right PhD position or supervisor for your doctoral thesis and assists you with the online application process.

Open PhD positions

ResearchGATE Jobs

ResearchGATE runs a research-focused job board for scientists worldwide. You can filter by keyword, discipline and country.

Job offers

Science Careers

Science Careers aims to match qualified scientists with jobs in industry, research, academia, and government. The list of vacancies is extensive and up-to-date, and further useful resources are offered.

Job offers

Science HR

Science HR is a career portal for scientists in academia and industry. It is one of the largest job portals in Germany and the EU.

Job offers