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Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME)

In brief

The PRIME programme enables postdocs of all nationalities who see their long-term career in Germany to combine employment at a German university with a research stay outside Germany. At the same time, they can prepare their subsequent integration in a German institution through regular exchange.

Who can apply?

Postdocs with

  • outstanding qualifications
  • a convincing research project that is consistent with the researcher’s long-term career planning
  • a research plan approved by the two host institutions

Further requirements

Applicants are themselves responsible for establishing contact with their envisaged hosts both outside and inside Germany. Please refer to the programme description for the further application requirements (see link below).

Type and extent of funding

Work contract; funded researchers receive a work contract at a German university covering the entire funding period. Remuneration is based on the collective agreement for public sector employees (TV-L E 13). Salaries may range from roughly 4,000 to 5,000 euros per month gross, plus approx. 1,200 to 2,000 euros per month expatriate allowance during the 12 months of the research stay outside Germany. Travel allowances are also paid.


18 months, of which the first 12 months are spent outside Germany and the following 6 months (integration phase) are spent at a German university.


Applications must be submitted online through the DAAD portal. You can access the application portal through the scholarship database. Some documents need to be sent separately by post. For information about the next call(s) for applications please check the programme website.

DAAD funding programmes

Here you will find a list of DAAD funding programmes (please select “DAAD funding programmes only”).

Logo of the German Academic Exchange Service: A blue circle wherein is written DAAD in white capital letters.