Support making RiG more international!

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Support making "Research in Germany" more international! Your expertise and commitment are the key to the further development of promoting the German research landscape. We invite you to take part in our online survey and share your valuable experiences and opinions. Duration: 7-10 min.

Please start the survey at the end of your visit.

Initiation of International Collaboration

In brief

This programme serves to establish collaborative relationships between international partners. Researchers can explore opportunities for international collaboration or prepare a concrete joint research project. The programme funds bilateral workshops, trips abroad and guest visits.

Who can apply?

Early career and established researchers who

  • hold a doctorate
  • are working at a German research institution (in Germany or abroad)
  • can outline the basis for the research benefit of the project as well as the concrete objective and the added value created by the international collaboration

Type and extent of funding

Grant including allowances for participation in bilateral workshops and events in the partner country. Support is provided for visits with daily allowances of 105 to 160 euros or monthly allowances depending on academic status; in addition, allowances are also paid for travel abroad.


Maximum of 3 months for trips abroad and guest visits; all activities must take place within 12 months.


Applications can be submitted to the DFG at any time. There is a special online application portal for this purpose. You will find information about the application procedure on the programme website (see link below).

DFG research funding

Here you will find all you need to know about DFG funding programmes.

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