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Fraunhofer Attract

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Funded by

In brief

Fraunhofer Attract offers outstanding scientists the opportunity to develop innovative ideas towards an actual application by setting up their own research group in close cooperation with industry. The grant provides scientists with an attractive package of both funding and management responsibility, as well as outstanding working conditions in optimally equipped Fraunhofer labs.

Who can apply?

Early career and established researchers

  • with excellent qualifications and an outstanding research track record
  • with at least a PhD or equivalent qualification, preferably postdoctoral experience
  • with a promising and innovative idea for industrial application matching the business and technology fields of a specific Fraunhofer Institute
  • with a firm grasp of traditional leadership and management skills

Further requirements

The application must be submitted jointly by the researcher and the Fraunhofer Institute into which the research group is to be integrated.

Type and extent of funding

Work contract and funding of up to 2.5 million euros for 5 years for research staff, equipment and the group leader’s salary.


5 years for the establishment of an independent group; long-term prospect of establishing a new R&D segment within the Fraunhofer Institute and assuming executive functions.


Two calls for proposals per year. Applications must be submitted via the Fraunhofer SAP web form. Only joint
applications by the scientist and the institute director will be considered. For addresses and application deadlines
please check the programme website (see link below).

Jobs at Fraunhofer

Fraunhofer offers researchers the opportunity to engage in independent, creative and, at the same time, targeted work. International researchers can develop their professional and personal skills that will enable them to take up positions of responsibility at Fraunhofer, at universities, in industry and within society. You will find current Fraunhofer offers on its Jobs and Career page.

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