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Research stays and visits to Germany

A research stay in Germany can last from one month to a few years and is usually tied to a specific research project and a collaborating institute.

It can enable you to realise your own research project at a university or a non-university research institute or may be organised within the framework of an international partnership. In any event, it will increase your experience and expand your horizons.

These temporary research stays in Germany receive funding – especially within the framework of international collaborations and through the award of prizes or grants.

Two researchers at DZNE-Bonn.

This overview shows you which funding organisations support international guest researchers during their stay in Germany:

Graphic showing the number of international guest researchers in Germany:<br/>Leading German funding organisations: 27,866<br/>including Deutsche Forshcungsgemeinschaft: 15,506<br/>German Academic Exchange Service: 12,546<br/>Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: 2,371<br/><br/>Other German funding organisations: 1,464 <br/>International funding organisations: 637<br/>Total: 29,967<br/><br/>2021; Funding recipients by funding organisation; source: Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023

How do I find a host institution?

Short research visits or stays by international scholars in Germany are basically possible at all universities and research institutions. The prerequisites are contact with the host institution and its willingness to accept the visiting researcher.

You can search for contact persons at German higher education institutions using our overview of research organisations or by using different databases:

International university cooperation
The German Rectors’ Conference offers a database that contains information on over 35,000 international collaborations with German higher education institutions.

GERiT – directory of 32,000 research institutions in Germany
GERiT – the German Research Institutions directory of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) provides details of 32,000 institutes at German universities and non-university research institutions searchable by geographical location, subject and other criteria.

Overview of research organisations in Germany 
Where can I conduct research? Scientists and researchers are welcome guests and cooperation partners not only at universities, but also at non-university research institutes.
More information

Can I receive financial support for my research stay?

German institutions have a great interest in international cooperation. Stays of international researchers in Germany are funded with special research grants irrespective of whether they involve visits to a non-university research facility, a German higher education institution or a research-oriented company. Here you will find more information:

Funding and awards

Can you win people over with your expertise, experience and research ideas? German research funding organisations award prizes and fellowships to support international researchers.
