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Chemical trick activates antibiotic directly at the pathogen

Click-to-release technique avoids the severely nephrotoxic effect of colistin

Oct 21, 2024, 4:02:37 PM
Dr. Andreas Fischer , Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung

Colistin is a last-resort antibiotic that is usually only used for severe infections with resistant bacteria. This is due to its severe kidney-damaging side effects, which occur in around 30 percent of treated patients. A research team at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) has now been able to produce an inactivated, harmless form of colistin that is only activated in the body with the help of chemical switches. In this so-called click-to-release technique, the chemical switches are specifically bound to the disease-causing bacteria. The administered masked colistin is therefore activated specifically at the site of action. The researchers hope that this could reduce side effects. The study was published in the journal Angewandte Chemie. “Due to increasing resistance, it is becoming more and more frequent that common and well-tolerated antibiotics no longer work against dangerous bacterial pathogens,” says Prof. Mark Brönstrup, head of the ‘Chemical Biology’ department at the HZI and a scientist in the DZIF research area "Novel Antibiotics". ”The last-resort antibiotic colistin is an important helper in this emergency. However, its administration is associated with risks of severe side effects: It has a strong nephrotoxic effect, and long-term consequences cannot be ruled out.” Colistin was developed in the 1950s. Due to its highly nephrotoxic effect, it was no longer used in humans for many decades after its development. The lack of effective antibiotics, however, has made its revival necessary: for example, in the treatment of dangerous hospital germs such as carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae or Acinetobacter baumannii. Colistin is also on the list of essential medicines of the World Health Organisation (WHO). It would be advantageous if colistin could be chemically modified so that it is no longer as damaging to the kidneys while maintaining its high antibiotic efficacy. “Such research approaches have been pursued in various studies, with mixed success,” says Brönstrup. “In our current study, we therefore chose a different approach: We wanted to send colistin in a masked, harmless form through the body via the bloodstream and have it become active in a targeted manner with the help of a switch system placed on the pathogens.” This so-called click-to-release technique is based on a chemical principle of action in which an active substance composed of two components breaks down into these two components under the influence of a chemical switch, thereby activating the desired drug. This technique has been used in cancer research for about ten years. In order to use the click-to-release technique for their research approach, the researchers first needed a second component that would bind to colistin, thereby rendering it harmless, and that could be separated from the active ingredient again with the help of a switch. Several chemical variants of a substance called trans-cyclooctene (TCO) were considered for this purpose, which could be separated from colistin again with the help of the chemical switch tetrazine. The researchers carried out cell culture experiments with kidney cells to test the toxicity of the colistin modified with different TCO variants. “Unfortunately, TCO-masked colistin was significantly more toxic than pure colistin, which was initially a bitter disappointment for us,” says Dr. Jiraborrirak Charoenpattarapreeda, a researcher in the ‘Chemical Biology’ department and first author of the study. “However, we were able to solve this problem by further modifying TCO with aspartate. This shifted the charge of the modified colistin into the negative range, largely preventing it from binding to kidney cells and causing toxic effects.” The scientists tested their click-to-release concept in a mouse model. There were two sites of infection with the bacterium Escherichia coli: one in the thigh and one in the lung. The masked colistin was administered via the bloodstream, and the chemical switches were inhaled via a nasal spray. This was to ensure that the masked colistin was distributed evenly throughout the body, but that the switches could only attach to the bacteria in the lung. “With this experimental approach, we wanted to test whether the masked colistin in the body is actually only active where it encounters the switch component,” explains Charoenpattarapreeda. And that's exactly what happened: The bacteria in the lungs were killed, and the inflammation subsided. But the thigh infection did not respond, the bacteria remained unaffected by the masked colistin, and it had no effect there. “In the present study, we have developed the first systemically acting two-component antibiotic system that is activated at the pathogen by click-to-release chemistry,” says Brönstrup. ”This makes it possible to use colistin in high concentrations only where it is needed – namely directly at the pathogen itself. Side effects can thus be avoided or reduced.” The researchers hope that this approach can help minimise the side effects of antibiotics and other medical agents in the future and make them more tolerable for patients. “A lot of research still needs to be done before we get there, though. This is still a long way off,” says Brönstrup. “But it could be worth the effort!” This press release is also available on our homepage: Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research: Scientists at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig and its other sites in Germany are engaged in the study of bacterial and viral infections and the body’s defence mechanisms. They have a profound expertise in natural compound research and its exploitation as a valuable source for novel anti-infectives. As member of the Helmholtz Association and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) the HZI performs translational research laying the ground for the development of new treatments and vaccines against infectious diseases. German Center for Infection Research: At the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), more than 700 scientists from 35 institutions nationwide jointly develop new approaches for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Their aim is to translate research results into clinical practice rapidly and effectively. With this, the DZIF paves the way for developing new vaccines, diagnostics and drugs in the fight against infections. Further information at: Contact: Susanne Thiele, Spokesperson Dr Andreas Fischer, Editor Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Press and Communications Inhoffenstr. 7 D-38124 Braunschweig Germany Phone: +49 531 6181-1400; -1405

Original Publication:

Jiraborrirak Charoenpattarapreeda, Werner Tegge, Chunfa Xu, Kirsten Harmrolfs, Bettina Hinkelmann, Hannah Wullenkord, Sven-Kevin Hotop, Ulrike Beutling, Katharina Rox, Mark Broenstrup: A Targeted Click-to-Release Activation of the Last-Resort Antibiotic Colistin Reduces its Renal Cell Toxicity. Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. (2024),
