NoteAs of April 2023, this website will no longer be updated.

German-US Affiliations - InnoHealth USA

Handshaking as a symbol for cooperation.

Germany and the United States of America

Partners in science and technological collaboration
The partnership between the USA and Germany is valuable, particularly in scientific and technological cooperation. Those long standing bilateral relations form the foundation enabling German and US-researchers and entrepreneurs to find innovative solutions to secure sustainable growth and, thereby, successfully facing global challenges. Both countries offer outstandingly well equipped research infrastructures as well as excellent research organizations and successful companies driving scientific progress. Thus, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the United States regularly support joint research projects to strengthen and expand cooperation between German and U.S. researchers.

Joint progress in digital healthcare

The COVID 19 pandemic is not the only reason for an increased public awareness and acceptance of digital healthcare, the shortcomings of the healthcare systems under pressure in both countries have also contributed to this. To successfully tackle the corresponding challenges, e.g. remote care the consistent cooperation of several stakeholders in the field of medical technology is required. As equally important and innovative strategic partners, Germany and the US are therefore focusing on high-performance health research, human-centered AI, intelligent medicine and digital innovations for our aging society.

InnoHealth USA is looking for you to help drive the progress

With this in mind, InnoHealth USA is looking for you - researchers and entrepreneurs from an SME/enterprise - collaborating in the areas of digital diagnostics and intelligent sensors. Apply with your joint project to our Call for Ideas & Innovation (Oct. 5 – Nov. 15, 2020). The winners of the call will meet relevant key players in the field of digital health - in Germany and the USA.

More information
If you are interested in getting more background information, please do not hesitate to write an email to

Recent News

The President of the United States proclaimed October 6, 2020, as German-American Day. He calls upon all Americans to celebrate the achievements and contributions of German Americans to the Nation with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.