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Germany is a top destination for PhD students, postdocs, and senior scientists. The website "Research in Germany" helps you to find your way to Germany, to seek for PhD positions, research jobs or funding opportunities. It describes the German research landscape and helps you plan your career and life in Germany. Welcome to Germany - the Land of Ideas!

Eine Wissenschaftlerin justiert eine VR-Brille einer Probandin.

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There are many good reasons for doing research in  Germany. It is one of the most innovative, stable and well endowed  research nations  and its universities and research institutions are among the best in the world. Values like freedom and diversity as well as social and ecological responsibility are considered important to ensure knowledge gain and societal progress.


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Here you will find a selection of the latest R&D news from German universities, non-university research institutes and industrial research facilities.

Biomarkers predict future sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation

Low concentrations of three selected biomarkers in the blood of patients with atrial fibrillation identify patients with a high chance of attaining sinus rhythm. This is the main result of this analysis of the EAST – AFNET 4 biomolecule study. Today the findings have been presented by AFNET Steering Committee member Prof. Larissa Fabritz, University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE), Hamburg, Germany, at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in London and published in the European Heart Journal (1).
Aug 31, 2024, 9:06:00 PM

Global consensus document on atrial cardiomyopathy published – AFNET scientists lead the way

An international cardiology working group has published a consensus report on atrial cardiomyopathy (1). 21 scientists from the rhythmological societies of Europe (European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)), North America (Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)), South America (Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS)) and the Asia-Pacific region (Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society APHRS) were involved. The expert group was led by AFNET board member Prof. Andreas Goette, Paderborn, Germany. He presented the results on August 31, 2024 at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in London.
Aug 31, 2024, 7:15:00 PM

Biodiversity loss: Many students of environment-related subjects are partly unaware of the causes

As far as the causes of global biodiversity loss are concerned, there are evidently perception gaps among students of environment-related subjects worldwide, as a survey conducted by Goethe University Frankfurt with over 4,000 students from 37 countries has now shown. The gaps vary from country to country: In some countries, climate change tends to be underestimated as one of the causes of biodiversity loss, in others it is invasive species, and in yet others it is pollution. The survey also shows that country-specific indicators greatly influence the students’ perception.
Aug 30, 2024, 3:45:00 PM

Metal foil as 3D scanner for electron beam: HZDR-Team presents new diagnostic tool for laser-plasma accelerator

Laser-plasma accelerators take up less space than conventional facilities, which are sometimes kilometers long. Such compact particle sources can accelerate electron bunches efficiently, enabling x-ray lasers that fit in the basement of a university institute. But there are a few challenges to be met: in order to produce UV or x-ray light, the electron bunches generated by a laser-plasma accelerator must be very finely bundled and have defined properties. To date, it has been difficult to even measure these bunches precisely. Now, a team at the HZDR has developed a novel measuring method which should help to drive the development of laser-plasma acceleration.
Aug 30, 2024, 12:06:29 PM

When the Heat Makes You Disoriented

It's not just us humans who suffer from heatwaves. Researchers at the University of Würzburg discovered that hot temperatures rob bumblebees of their sense of smell – and makes them struggle when searching for food.
Aug 30, 2024, 11:43:09 AM

Artificial intelligence (AI) Allows Peering into the Deep: High-Resolution 3D Tracking of Coral Reef Fish

A study by the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) is employing new methods in coral reef research. Under the leadership of fish ecologist Dr Julian Lilkendey, an international research team utilised innovative AI technologies to analyse the movements of reef fish in the Red Sea with high precision.
Aug 29, 2024, 2:05:56 PM

Biomarkers predict future sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation

Low concentrations of three selected biomarkers in the blood of patients with atrial fibrillation identify patients with a high chance of attaining sinus rhythm. This is the main result of this analysis of the EAST – AFNET 4 biomolecule study. Today the findings have been presented by AFNET Steering Committee member Prof. Larissa Fabritz, University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE), Hamburg, Germany, at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in London and published in the European Heart Journal (1).
Aug 31, 2024, 9:06:00 PM

Global consensus document on atrial cardiomyopathy published – AFNET scientists lead the way

An international cardiology working group has published a consensus report on atrial cardiomyopathy (1). 21 scientists from the rhythmological societies of Europe (European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)), North America (Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)), South America (Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS)) and the Asia-Pacific region (Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society APHRS) were involved. The expert group was led by AFNET board member Prof. Andreas Goette, Paderborn, Germany. He presented the results on August 31, 2024 at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in London.
Aug 31, 2024, 7:15:00 PM

Biodiversity loss: Many students of environment-related subjects are partly unaware of the causes

As far as the causes of global biodiversity loss are concerned, there are evidently perception gaps among students of environment-related subjects worldwide, as a survey conducted by Goethe University Frankfurt with over 4,000 students from 37 countries has now shown. The gaps vary from country to country: In some countries, climate change tends to be underestimated as one of the causes of biodiversity loss, in others it is invasive species, and in yet others it is pollution. The survey also shows that country-specific indicators greatly influence the students’ perception.
Aug 30, 2024, 3:45:00 PM

Metal foil as 3D scanner for electron beam: HZDR-Team presents new diagnostic tool for laser-plasma accelerator

Laser-plasma accelerators take up less space than conventional facilities, which are sometimes kilometers long. Such compact particle sources can accelerate electron bunches efficiently, enabling x-ray lasers that fit in the basement of a university institute. But there are a few challenges to be met: in order to produce UV or x-ray light, the electron bunches generated by a laser-plasma accelerator must be very finely bundled and have defined properties. To date, it has been difficult to even measure these bunches precisely. Now, a team at the HZDR has developed a novel measuring method which should help to drive the development of laser-plasma acceleration.
Aug 30, 2024, 12:06:29 PM

When the Heat Makes You Disoriented

It's not just us humans who suffer from heatwaves. Researchers at the University of Würzburg discovered that hot temperatures rob bumblebees of their sense of smell – and makes them struggle when searching for food.
Aug 30, 2024, 11:43:09 AM

Artificial intelligence (AI) Allows Peering into the Deep: High-Resolution 3D Tracking of Coral Reef Fish

A study by the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) is employing new methods in coral reef research. Under the leadership of fish ecologist Dr Julian Lilkendey, an international research team utilised innovative AI technologies to analyse the movements of reef fish in the Red Sea with high precision.
Aug 29, 2024, 2:05:56 PM
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