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Support making "Research in Germany" more international! Your expertise and commitment are the key to the further development of promoting the German research landscape. We invite you to take part in our online survey and share your valuable experiences and opinions. Duration: 7-10 min.

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Funding programmes

Roughly 23,000 international visiting researchers received financial support from German funding organisations, agencies and research institutions in the 2020 pandemic year. A further 15,000 were employed at large non-university research organisations and more than 52,000 at German universities.

A researcher is holding up a flask.

You will find an overview of the funding opportunities for international researchers in Germany in our selection of funding programmes.

Our newsletter and our Facebook and Twitter channels also keep you informed about current funding for PhDs and other programmes to finance your postdoctoral research project in Germany.

The cover of the brochure "Funding you Research Career in Germany". It depicts three researchers. Over it is written the brochure's title. On the bottom left there is the logo of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. On the bottom right is the logo of "Research in Germany"

Funding your research in Germany

A selection of funding programmes for German and international academics run by the leading research funding institutions. Target group: international PhD students, postdocs and academics interested in a research stay in Germany.

Funding databases

Search for a wide range of funding programmes for international PhD students, postdocs and established researchers.

A researcher working on an experiment